About Me
Welcome, my name is Clement Tricart, i am born on November 18th 1981.
It all started when i was 16 and was selling computers parts in a little computer shop in Poitiers.
After a hundred win 95 installations and at least as much LAN parties, i was hooked by computers.
I am working as a freelance (DevOps) since 2016.
My skills are are mostly related to SysAdmin & DevOps operations.
I am helping companies to organize their cloud architecture and embrace DevOps good practices.
You can contact me directly on MALT or through my personal details below:
Contact Details
Clement Tricart
144 Boulevard de Magenta
75010 Paris
Lycee Lucas de Nehou
Baccalaureat professionel • 1999-2001
I did pass a "Baccalaureat professionel" (Computer Aided Design),
but I always wanted to work in pure IT management.
DevOps Architect • September 2024 - November 2024
The initial goal was to migrate infrastructure management code from Pulumi to Terraform.
- The entire infrastructure architecture was modified (Git/Terraform) with a hybrid solution :
- Cloudrun in non critical environements, GKE in critical environements.
- All Cloud critical components were redesigned and redeployed with multi region in mind to avoid potential failures.
- Integration the applications deploys (Gitlab/Cloudrun/GKE).
DevOps • April 2023 - June 2023
Had to redone the infrastructure mgmt from scratch.
- I help them bootstrapping their infrastructure management repository (Git/Terraform)
- Integration the applications deploys (Git/ECS/Fargate)
DevOps • December 2022 - February 2023
Crew3 wanted a clean and easy way to manage their entire infrastructure from Dev to production, including CI.
- I help them bootstrapping their infrastructure management repository (Git/Terraform)
- Integration the applications deploys (Git/ECS/Fargate)
Diagrams Technologies
DevOps • June 2021 - November 2021
Diagrams Technologies wanted a clean and easy way to manage their entire infrastructure from Dev to production, including CI.
- I help them bootstrapping their infrastructure management repository (Git/Terraform/Ansible)
- Integration the applications deploys (Git/ECS/Fargate)
Meilleurs Agents
DevOps • October 2020 - February 2021
This time I had to deploy an API Gateway solution (Kong), so all the entities within the same business group could use Meilleursagents Datas through APIs.
- Analyse the different technical possibilities
- Code and deploy the solution (Git/Terraform/GCP/Kong)
DevOps • June 2020 - August 2020
Easyence had lots of different Cloud Accounts AWS/GCP and most of their IT components were not coded properly in a single Git repository.
Had to redone the infrastructure management repository from scratch.
- DevOps Awarness (Git/Terraform/AWS/GCP)
- Setup of a scalable Continuous Integration solution (Gitlab/Terraform/Ansible)
Mobility Work
DevOps • June 2019 - October 2019
Mobility Work is a company that want to create a community based CMMS software.
They had a problem with the previous DevOps team and asked me to rebuild every aspect of their AWS account.
- Proper setup of an AWS account with VPCs, subnets, etc (openVPN/Bastion)
- Setup of a scalable Continuous Integration solution (Gitlab/Terraform/Ansible)
- Ansible playbooks to trigger application deploys from staging to production
Meilleurs Agents
DevOps • July 2018 - March 2019
This time I had to synchronize the data science infrastructure as code with the web part.
On the first mission, we had two separate git repositories to maintain the code.
(one for the web and one for the data science)
All the teams are using a single repository that maintains all the tools used within the company.
We did included Terraform code too to provision things.
- Git Repository organization (Git/Ansible/Terraform/Groovy)
- Ansible code migration
- Terraform provisioning
On Va Bosser
DevOps • March 2018 - May 2018
OnVaBosser is a company that want to get rid of resumes.
They had a problem with the previous DevOps team and asked me to rebuild every aspect of their AWS account.
- Proper setup of an AWS account with VPCs, subnets, etc (openVPN/Bastion)
- Continuous integration pipelines (Jenkins)
- Ansible playbooks to trigger application deploys from staging to production
Meilleurs Agents
DevOps • July 2017 - March 2018
Meilleursagents had the idea of heavily data mining the real estate business.
The data science team was just beginning and their IT servers were not on the cloud yet.
So they needed a dedicated DevOps for that team to speed things up.
- Management of environments from Dev to PROD (Github/Ansible)
- Continuous integration pipelines (Jenkins)
- Ansible playbooks to trigger application deploys from staging to production
DevOps • March 2016 - September 2016
Photobox is a photography brand, they are printing books made with your own photos.
They had just migrated to AWS from on premise infrastructure and needed a DevOps team to manage AWS.
- Management of environments from Dev to PROD (Github/Ansible)
- Continuous delivery pipelines (Jenkins)
- Ansible playbooks to trigger application deploys from staging to production
My Little Paris
DevOps • July 2015 - February 2016
My Little Paris is a gathering of several small companies (My Little Paris / My Little Box / Merci Alfred).
They are using symphony dev framework for every project they are launching.
They needed someone to join their DevOps efforts.
- Continuous Integration (Github/Circle CI)
- Automatic Deploys (Ansible/Capistrano)
- Development Environment Management (Docker)
Application Engineer • July 2014 - May 2015
The New York Stock Exchange had just sold Euronext.
We had to 'split' the applications to their respective owners.
New projects were about to launch on Euronext side.
- Administration of hundreds of Linux Servers
- Application deploys through home made scripts (Shell/Python)
- On Duty call for application surveillance
- Monitoring Stack (Nagios/RRDTool)
Application Engineer • April 2011 - June 2014
The New York Stock Exchange had just bought Euronext.
One of the big first challenge was to move the French Production servers to another Hosting room in England.
We had to redeploy all apps and migrating them from Unix to Linux.
- Administration of hundreds of Linux Servers
- Application deploys through home made scripts (Shell/Python)
- On Duty call for application surveillance
AXA Group Solutions
DevOps • September 2010 - April 2011
Axa Group Solutions was developing an anti money laundering system.
Their development team was not iterating fast enough in production.
They decided to hire someone that would be dedicated to this dev team to speed things up.
- Administration of an ESXi Cluster
- Application deploys within the cluster through home made scripts (Shell/Python)
Direct Energie
System Administrator • June 2009 - September 2010
The company needed SysAdmins to manage their on premise infrastructure.
- Administration of hundreds of Linux Servers
- JBOSS stacks
Orange Business Services
System Administrator • June 2008 - May 2009
The original company "CVF Online Multimedia" was just acquired by OBS.
They needed additional Linux Sysadmin to manage their infrastructure.
They were about to launch The Orange Cinema Services (OCS) project.
- Administration of hundreds of Linux Servers
- LAMP Stacks (Linux / Apache / Mysql / Php)
France 24
System Administrator • October 2006 - May 2008
The France24 channel (ENG/FR/ARAB) was about to launch.
The company was looking for SysAdmins to manage their on premise infrastructure.
- Management of the entire IT systems (Microsoft Related products)
- VMWare ESX cluster administration
- Microsoft Windows Exchange accounts management
Technical Support • January 2005 - December 2005
Wengo was a concurrent to skype, and launched a VOIP software on Linux.
I was helping Wengo by setting up the forums on Linux servers, administrate them and giving clients advices on how to configure their VOIP boxes.
- Linux servers installation/administration
- PhpBB administration
Docteur Ordinateur
Technical Support • September 2004 - December 2004
Docteur Ordinateur is a company that helps people with their daily computer issues.
I was half of the time repairing computer at the shop, the other half giving different types of IT courses.
- Mac / PC installation debugging
- IT courses
I am a former Linux SysAdmin.
I did work as an application engineer in critical environments (NYSE/Euronext).
Then I had the chance of working as a DevOps in several startup companies.
Nowdays i am looking for Architect / DevOps positions within startups.

Single Speed Building
I like to build Single Speed bikes from scratch.
Here is of the bikes i built to ride around Paris.

I love to travel, meeting strangers, and taking pictures.
Here i was in BOGOTA, Colombia (2016).

Street Photography
I like to ask strangers for portraits while traveling.
I shot this guy in NEW YORK CITY (2010).
Contact Form
I might be the DevOps you are looking for !
You can check on my MALT profile to verify that i am available at the moment.
Don't hesitate to contact me, even if it's just to chat about your needs.
If you think that i could be a good addition to your IT Organization, I'll get back to you ASAP.